Posts tagged Ancestor Magic
An adventure in Ancestral Magic - The Glauberg Museum

Here is an account of a recent adventure into Ancestral or Visionary Magic: My wife and I were on a short trip to Würzburg and Worms when I learned that an ancient Celtic burial site had been discovered and rebuilt at Glauberg - which was only a 30min detour from our route. Thus I convinced my wife it was worth spending a few additional hours visiting our ancestors - and the dog would just love to roam over the open fields. The later turned out to be a great selling point...

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How to enter your Inner Realm - or 3 exercises on elastic awareness

In evocation magic we strive for conscious contact with specific spirits. Sometimes this happens through visible appearance. Other times we allow the spirit to chose the best way to manifest - may it be in our inner realm, in dreams, in inner sight, etc. However, I guess we'll all agree an unsuccessful rite is a rite without any conscious contact.

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Learning the Magic of my Ancestors - part 3

The third trip to the city of clay started from my actual temple. It was a week of vacation, the sun was shining bright and warm outside, I had finished my standard meditation and left the communion with my angel. At this point my mind and body are charged and radiant with energy yet very quiet and peaceful. It's the perfect mindset to continue an exploration into the unknown, ready to accept anything that might come along...

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Learning the Magic of my Ancestors - part 2

A few weeks after my first ancestral journey I embarked on the second expedition. Since my return from the city of clay I had been curious to learn more about my ancestor's magic. However, it took a few weeks to integrate all the impulses I had received, to make sense of this new experience and relationship before I felt ready to return and re-engage...

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