One of them dove into the ocean of Oneness and said, 'I am Truth.' Another rode in a boat on the same ocean, and told of how far he was from the shore. One looks at the outside and talks of dry land, while gathering shells, and the other plunges into the ocean and gets the pearl.
Sitting on the stone terrace of the old house in Liguria, the morning sun is up. A hornet is eating old cherries in the tree above me and I am listening to her buzz that mingles with the sounds of birds in the valley before me. My mind wanders back to what I learned about Psychological Projection this week: This psychological effect that treats reality as the mirror of our minds, reflecting brightest what we fear and despise. For some reason I am struggling to come to terms with this concept, this particular view of the world... And as I am pondering on it in the morning sun I realize that Psychological Projection illustrates perfectly why Magic and Psychology collide.
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